First Commenter (FC):
For your information, this contest only started on October and since then, Lady Java’s card was the most popular outgoing link from my blog for most of the days! Yes, that’s right. She is the most clicked link to go away from Hot Shit Form Here! Even my blogger profile; the View My Complete Profile link under my hideous big head photo, doesn’t attract so much attention. This reminds me that perhaps I should change my profile picture. My neck must be really hurt after being in that position for quite some times now.
All my posts this month and respective FC winners:
*NSYNC – Bye Bye Bye – Mariuca
Am I Less Malay? – Lady Java
The Perfect Girl for Kyle XY – Attahrel
Understand Your Teenage Son’s Language – Milkberry
Brandy - Have You Ever – Phatelara
My Jar of Peanut Butter – Phatelara
20 years of my life – Lady Java
Cat Mummies Anyone? – Lady Java
Ghost and Election – Bonoriau
Top Entrecard Droppers and First Commenter – Rizal
Top Commenter:
Hot Shit Form Here’s Recommendations:
One of the most entertaining, interesting and funny blogs I've been reading lately. Blue Crystal Dude is NEVER boring! Love to stop by, drop by and read what he has to say! Be sure to check him out! :) – The Fitness Diva
I like the spunk of this young man. You should go read his blog. – Limited Edition
This is an incredible new blog that I have found. Blue as we have come to call him affectionately is simply a wonderful person. His writing and posts are always wonderful, interesting, informative, and he spreads happiness and joy every where he visits. – The Painted Veil
The site which the author wants to voice out something that worth to read. This is a very unique site indeed. – Coolingstar9
The writer of this blog has a outstanding personality with extremely extraordinary writing skills.. trust me! hes gonna rock you off your seat with his expressive posts :) – Nisha World and Baby Alisha
great to advertise here, not too expensive and brings me traffic all the time :) – Bobby T Blogging to a T
Great blog to advertise on... got 2x of visitors / EC! – Days of My Life
Honest, heartfelt writings on life, love, friendship, and the daily grind. Hot Shit Form Here is a treasure. – le Trash
a very energetic young man with lots of to read his post...u will never get bored! – Waliz Diary
Casual and relax i must say. You might find something from its dose of rantings. Nice contents – RestnRileks
Great blog! I'm sure if you view this site you'll get a daily dose of great content :) Trust me! – Blogging-Ads
hey guys,, over here..Awesome Site full of awesome contents.. Check it out .. – My Love Hub
One of the Great site out there. Check it out and see for yourself :D – Space of Reality
This blog is well written and it talks about anything and everything that you may find some of the topics you like here. Do drop by now. – Look 4 Dream Girls
First Commenter:


dahsyat lor...
teringin nk jadik mcm ko...
anyway... aku mmg suke pg blog lady java tuh..
keep on blogging dear... suke baca blog ko..
simply great blog!!!
mcm yg mail suggest,dah sampai masa ang tukar domain sindri oi...baru style...kasi buang itu blogspot..haha
ok.... and if you win FC what do else do u get???
hi haaziq! you've just been awarded and invited to join me in What Kind of Chocolate Are You? Have a Choco~licious Wednesday! :)
i love yr new arrnagment, haaziq!:) great job!
waaaaa...award ceremony ke...muahahaha
Incik Shandye
Hehe.. Thanks man! Hey, you won this time First Commenter. I will put your link after this
Eh.. Ko pun bace Mail cakap k? hehe. Aku tak ingat aku nyer password and username lah. Dah kena block dah pun account internet aku (aku rasa ar). Nanti dah betulkan balik baru dipertimbangakan. Hehe
Apart from the link below my Entrecard box, you will be linked in the post itself too. With a nice little banner. Oh, I should mention to you that you will get lots of loves from me too. Hehe
Hi Jean Chia,
Really? Thank you so much! Hehe. I will do it along with my Less Word Wednesday today (that's rhyme!)
Haha.. Kinda award ceremony lah. But just change the award to link and special announcement. Hehe
haha... finally dapat jugak i number one... ngee...
Inchek Shandye,
I already added the link. Do you like it? :)
oh my Blue this is so sweet of you. thank you for the link love!
And nobody hardly ever beats Marzie anywhere...LOL...she and LJ are the tops at winning those contests!!
I try but I never make the top 10 droppers list. But, soon I am adding another blog.
Then I can try to drop from two blogs also. Oh boy the satellite companies are going to love that!!
Hi Shinade,
Hehe.. They are really determined people. LOL. I really envy them :)
And you are a sweetheart with a wonderful sense of humor!
I never been in any top droppers list too! LOL
And yes I love your new lay out it is wonderful and so are you!!
Big hugs my friend:-)
Thanks really nice of you. I am blushing. He he
Typo: *That's really nice of you*
I open too much tabs at once and then I easily get confused. My mind's deteriorating!
I glad you like the layout Shinade! I kinda like it myself too. LOL. I am praising myself (and then laugh about it). How weird is that?
Hi Blue!
Sorry have not come by as often.. but my laptop died on me and am using hubs pc.. and he does not have twitterfox lah..
anyway.. my bloghopping is also very much reduced as we have to share one pc now.. oh well..
See you around dearie.. and love the new layout :)
And yeay.. I won again in November eh.. I wonder if I should install TF secretly in hubs pc!!
And most clicked link eh.. Awesome!! will definitely try to maintain this spot then...hehe..
Congrats GP!!! who can challenge you for TOP TC!!! hehehe
Wow your blog is going strong with all the recommendations and comments! I love your blogging style, it just makes me laugh. And thanks so much for the comments at my blog. Looking forward to reading more in the future!
Hi Lady Java,
Yeah, I ter-read some of your comments in Marzie's about your laptop. Hehe. Hey, what is "Miss fly" actually? It popped up in you guys comments. Do let me know will you? Hehe
Hi Penny,
I love your site even more! No, seriously. You have a wonderful skill of writing. I am sure will be there more often :)
Have a nice day!'s complicated!
LOL. I took that as a compliment :)
hello haaziq! im here to read on yr choco post and the less word wed post. :)
Jean Chia,
I am so sorry. I couldn't make it yesterday. But haven't I told you this in your blog? I can't remember myself. I remember yesterday vaguely only :|
where do you find the time for all these? I have given up EC, it takes too much time for me. hehehehe anyway, I can see the excitement of dropping and making new friends!
most proggressive blog. keep up ur gud work.
Ah congrats to the winner[s]! At least I can be proud of myself with very hectic schedule I still manage to comment and be the Top 10 ;)
To me your blog is well written and some topics are really a debatable ones! So I can give out my opinions through comments like water in the drain, flow fast and smooth.
Love the topic that could make you think and some updates regarding the latest news too (you know I have little time to spend on TV and newspaper since I so attached with the books I am reading now and the DVD!).
Keep on writing BCD and I hope you can be an author someday :) Hey! free book for me ya!
Wow congrats to all those who are on the top of the list. I really admire your blogging skills and dropping skills..You're doing a great job, acknowledging your constant visitors and commenters.
btw, thanks for the greet..
take care
Twinks :]
hahah.. Blue.. Miss Fly is actually my laptop lah.. that is her!! ... my handphone is Miss Velvet Blue or Miss VB for!
Wooowtwoooowwwt...congratulations to all of the winners.
Yihaa!!! Still "most popular link" today!!! Macam tak caya lah!! hehehe!
Yahoo!!! So happy to see i am included in ur FC list, even though one time je menang chop ha ha ha! :):):)
Thank you for the linky love HaaziQ! So happy I won something here he he, must maintain this month ni! ;)
ANyway, this is an interesting post from you. Where did you get all ur wonderful recommendations from? EC is it? They're all really wonderful, good job HaaziQ! :)
Ok, doing my EC round for MPG now, Mariuca blm start pun oh no! See ya later. :)
interesting enough Haaziq! keep up the good work ;-)
wow what a compilation congratulations to the winner
by the way blue may i ask what happened to dann of mylovehub and hye of space of relity
i think their not posting anything anymore
Hi HaaziQ! I am here with Mariuca first today, happy EC dropping later. I start early ni! :)
Actually I like your layout very much, it's all so clean and teratur. :)
Hey there.. Happy Friday.. am using Azwaj's pc while he's watching tv..hehe
Hi LJ, nice to bump into you here he he! Best kan? :)
Hi HaaziQ! Am done with Mariuca, now baru Alright for MPG, hope to finish soon. How's ur run tonight? :)
Hi HaaziQ! You’re invited to join us on a BEARY-special meme, have fun! :)
Hehe. Well, I am still in my holiday, online for about 12 hours and then sleep for another 8. 2 is for others thing :D
Thanks for your kind words :)
Faisal!!! This is why I love you so much! LOL. Your words melting others' heart my friend!
Thank you so much for your kindness. I cannot say it enough :)
Hi twinks,
Glad you are back! Hehe. I am sorry for not being to your site lately. But I am glad I managed to wish you a great Happy Birthday! :) :)
Hehe.. Now I understand what you guys are saying :) I hope I am not the last person to know about all your nicknames. Hehehe :D
Hi Raquel,
Thanks for dropping your comment here :)
I tried to visit your site, but it not listed in your blogger profile. I wish you could leave me a link here :)
Hi Bluedreamer
Yeah, I noticed Dann already removed his blog :( Hye is just busy with her life I think :)
Hi Marzie,
Thanks for the invitation for your BEARY-special meme, my dear :) Will check it after this! Hehe
Oh, and EC drops are getting smoother :) But for some sites I do still need to refresh it once or twice :):)
Hi Bluedude.. thanks so much for rec me buddy, its feel honored really:).. i was just busy setting up things but i hope i can keep up with what you have written about me.. Hope all is going well with you this month!:)
Let me tell you, getting older with figures doesnt matter, infact you're getting younger with each passing year! This makes me wonder how many years left till you are a toddler again? hehe
Hi Blue, I forgot to thank you for the linky love! :):) I must say, I love reading your posts because they make me think and type long comments. Hehe.. No other blogs by 21-year old males are as interesting as yours. Keep up the great job!
hi, love to reading your post too
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